After receiving numerous requests from readers curious about playing online poker at either Poker Stars or Party Poker for Mac, I decided to do a little bit of research and post my findings on this site. What I basically found was … Continued

Full Tilt Poker for Mac Software Redesign
After several years of the same old software, Full Tilt Poker has decided to upgrade their already intuitive software for both Mac and PC. Full Tilt Poker’s Mac and PC software have undergone a complete makeover. From top to bottom, they’ve redesigned … Continued Announces a New Mac Compatible Casino
A sister site of announced the opening of its Mac compatible online casino today. The name of the new online casino is called CasinoRoom and they are fully Mac compatible. Mac users can use their browser based, Java client to play … Continued

Pacific Poker Automatically Detects Mac OS
Pacific Poker recently announced that they would be implementing a system into their website that automatically detected whether a visitor was on a Mac, Linux, or Windows. Visitors to PacificPoker won’t notice much of a difference in their visit because of this. … Continued

Full Tilt Poker Unleashes Mac Compatible Poker Client
After a few inquiries from Mac users, FullTilt Poker has ventured to create a very sleek and stylish native download poker client for Macintosh OS. From what I’ve heard, Mac users are in love with this new poker client. It has a … Continued