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Moneybookers is safe and secure way to send and receive money via email. Although this seems very similar to PayPal, you are issued an account number rather than an email address as your account number. It is easy to transfer money via credit card and transfer money to and from a bank account.

Moneybookers is a great way to make a deposit at an online poker room or casino, but the best part about moneybookers is that it can be used to pay for much more than just that.

You can fund your Moneybookers account with your bank account via e-check or with any credit card. There are no fees for depositing money into your Moneybookers account and everything is safe and secure. The benefit is that you can use your email account to send and receive money. Moneybookers is best for Europeans who are interested in playing online poker or casino games.

Read more about Moneybookers at their site.

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